Saturday 28th September 2024
Hamfest Ancaster Agricultural Fairgounds.
This is a traditional hamfest
with ham readio/electronics retailers in attendance.
There will be no tailgating.
Peter VE3XLQ
2024 Hamfest Events Coordinator
630 Trinity Road, Ancaster
Latitude 43' - 11" - 25" North
Longitude 80' - 02" - 32" West
Talk in VE3NCF
146.760/146.160 -600 Tone 131.8 hz
Vendor and public parking
to the left of the building.
Wheelchair parking next to main
vendor entrance garage door.
Use this entrance for
vendor and public parking to the left of the building.
Once the hamfest starts,
chairs will be positioned at the Vendor Entrance.
There will be no tailgating.
Click above for the latest
Click above to book your table
with Barry VE3ISX.
Vendors will use garage door
starting at 7:30 am
Please have exact change.
Hamfest details:
From Toronto, QEW to 403 West
and turn left on highway 52. Drive
directly to the fairgrounds.
Look for the Hamfest signs. From Niagara
Region QEW to Hwy 403 West and
turn left on highway 52.
Opening Times:
7:30 am for commercial vendors.
9:00 am for
the general public.
Vendor table each $15.00 free
admission for 1 vendor
Please book tables early to
reserve your preferred table location.
General admission...$5.00 each
Talk in: Hamilton VHF repeater
146.760/146.160 131.8 tone
To book your hamfest tables: