Events Calendar :
  PICTURES from Milton Hamfest 13th July 2024.
  JUNK IN THE TRUNK SUNDAY 28th July 2024 Click for details.
  Field Day 2024 Grimsby Event Photos 23 June 2024.
  CLUB Field Day and BBQ details.
  HARC Tailgate Pictures 18th May 2024.
  May 2024 HARC newsletter
  Captain Rob VE3RMJ/Air Mobile "HF in the cockpit" HARC general meeting ZOOM 28th March 2024
  Murray VE3ZPV and Mardy VE3QEE demonstrate ham radio and code to Ancaster Cubs 26th March 2024
  PICTURES from CLUB Breakfast at Denny's 16th March 2024
  Your event here???   Contact Barry   VE3ISX webmaster
Our Mission

The stated purpose of the Club is to promote public interest in Amateur Radio communications, experimentation and the advancement of the art and science of radio. The H.A.R.C. holds regular public meetings, offers educational courses, engages in radio sport and community activities utilizing our newsletter and social media to promote the clubs activities. The members and executive of the H.A.R.C. promote an inclusive fraternalism, a high standard of conduct and good citizenship.

Please enjoy this new website.
We are constantly updating the content as we continue to transistion from the older site.

Please send your comments/suggestions to: VE3ISX Barry

Birthday Image


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