Contest Photo Summary
CQ WW DX contest October 2019
Photos by Rick VE3BK


This is our preliminary score , 979 contest QSOs with dupes, only 968 count (because Canadians are 0 points in this contest and dupes don’t count), 73 Zones and 183 DX.
The idea of this contest is to work as many zones as possible and as many prefixes as possible. Because it is a CQ contest, we are using the CQ Zones of the World.
There is another map, the ITU Zones of the World, used by the ARRL in contests.
Every contest scores different or wants a different exchange, and this is only for HF. If you get into VHF UHF contesting, (which we really don’t do yet out there) you go for grids.
Lot’s of fun.

We used a 40m dipole, and 80m dipole, 2 tribanders (10-15-20m, one 3 elements and one 4 elements) and off course the Windom Mardy and Peter put up back up. An Icom 756PRO (mine), an Icom 756PROII (Andrew’s, exactly the same as the one I was selling to the students), a Kenwood TS-560D. an Icom 746PRO (Sherry), and Mardy brought his IC-7300 for a few contacts on 80m. The PRO and PROII did most of the contacts. Noise floor was practically 0, so we could hear people that couldn’t hear us, even with 700-800 watts. Only Andrew and I had amplifiers and kept it down so our amps. were really loafing. Both are capable of 1000w, so this means we run the radios at 65-75w to get 800w out.

I love those PRO’s. I could notch out any interference and most of the time, did not really need any filters because of the low noise floor. Wish it was that good at my QTH.

Anyway, anyone that couldn’t make it, you missed a good one as far as DX etc. goes. We even had one DX station saying hi to the HARC Group and good to hear us on again. VE3EJ was even listening when we worked a hard to get DX station and he said “Way to go”.

73 Rick VE3BK

Left to Right  top row:
Mardy VE3QEE    Sherie  VE3DCU

Left to Right  lower row:
Scott VE3QUA with Andrew  VE3RIA          Murray  VE3ZPV